Installation failed with SWbemObjectSet: Invalid class
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You download and run the Windows installer and see the following error message:
Certain Anti-Virus applications can falsely detect BrightSlide as being a PUA (Potentially Unwanted Application) and may block the installation from running as expectd. To confirm this, check to see if the BrightSlide app was installed as follows:
- Open Windows File Explorer
- Copy this path into the address bar and press Enter:
- Confirm that the BrightSlide.ppam file is in that folder.
If the BrightSlide file above is not found, or the folder doesn't even exist, check your AV (Anit-Virus) app and white list BrightSlide as a safe application.
If the AV app is not blocking the installer, use the information below to ask your IT colleagues if the WMI service is being blocked in your environment.
IT administrator information
When the BrightSlide for Windows EXE installer runs, it first checks to see if the PowerPoint application is running and asks the user to close it if so. It does this by calling the WMI service to query the running processes. If the WMI service is blocked by admin-managed policy, the installer fails because the SWbemObject cannot be created. For reference, these are the calls to the WMI service included within the installer:
ConnectServer('', 'root\CIMV2', '', '')
ExecQuery(Format('SELECT Name FROM Win32_Process Where Name="%s"',"PowerPnt.exe"))